1. Twitter Analytics

1. Twitter Analytics Tools

  1. ManageFlitter
  2. Followerwonk
  3. Twitonomy
  4. commun.it

2. Hashtags Tools

  1. Hashtags.org
  2. Hashtagify.me
  3. Mentionmapp

3. Workshop

Please use any of the twitter analytics tools above to analyze the following 3 competitors. Analyze and decide which one of them is most effective in the use of Twitter.

  1. Shaw - @ShawMovies
  2. Golden Village - @GVMovieClub
  3. Cathay - @CathayCineplex

You may consider the following in your analysis:

  • When was the Last Tweet
  • Tweets per day
  • Retweets
  • User mentions
  • Replies
  • Links
  • Hashtags
  • Tweets retweeted, and number of times
  • Tweets favorited, and number of times

4. Assignment


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